Is Debbie Tilley Available?

Is Debbie Tilley available?
On June 28, 1995, yes that was 15 years ago, my rep, Richard Salzman received a call from the art director at Gallaudet University Press. Is
Debbie Tilley available to do samples for an up coming project? We're going to be publishing a signing dictionary for children, needing
around 1000 illustrations.... and that's how it all started....

Fast forward 15 years:
On December 4, 2010, Richard, my rep received an email from the Editorial Director of Gallaudet University press, they were ready to get started
on the Children's Sign Language Dictionary! I think that is the longest lead time in freelance history! As it turned out, I had been illustrating children's picture
books nonstop for a long time. The thought of doing 1,000 individual drawings sounded so great to me, I couldn't wait to get started.......

Saturday, January 29, 2011

My Annual Lunch With Joy

It just so happens Joy lives on the coast, about 20 miles from my house in Escondido. We decided to meet for lunch in December
We had a picnic at the Nikki St. Phalle sculpture garden at Kit Carson Park, in Escondido. My daughter, now 10, on Christmas break joined us!

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